About Us

Yam Uparkoti


As a leading public policy expert and scholar, I have extensive knowledge and experience in public administration, government affairs, and international relations. My research and analysis on pressing policy issues provide actionable insights for policymakers. I am deeply engaged in the public policy realm, seeking to advance the discourse surrounding critical governance challenges at home and abroad. My commentary provides a crucial perspective grounded in data-driven research. I aim to illuminate complex policy topics and foster constructive dialogue through my work as a prominent thought leader in the public policy arena.

I hold a Master’s degree in Public Policy and Management, providing me with expertise in governance, administration, and policy analysis. As a Section Officer with the Government of Nepal, I leverage my education and skills to inform impactful public sector decision-making. My academic training and practical experience enable me to offer a crucial perspective on pressing policy issues facing Nepal and other regions. I apply research-backed insights and data-driven solutions in my role overseeing key governmental functions. In addition to my policy scholarship and public service, I utilize my background in areas like project management to lead initiatives improving public welfare. My multifaceted public sector background shapes my passionate engagement in advancing an effective, ethical government that serves all people.

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